October 16, 2008
Elvis Presley has permanently marked his generation as well as many that have followed. Inscribed within the lyrics of that mental tattoo are the words of a spurned lover in the song . . . 'Return To Sender'.
Think about that . . .Return to Sender - the restoration process begins when we return to the One that sent us to this planet. Your life is no accident. Your purpose is not arbitrary. You were made on purpose with a purpose.
To restore something is to return the object back to its former condition. In the book of Luke Chapter 15 Jesus tells the story of three lost items: a lost son, a lost coin, and a lost sheep. In all three stories, each item was recovered. Here’s the point - Jesus never told the story of something lost that could not be found. I don’t care how bad off you think you are . . . there is a God on this earth desperately working to reconcile you back to Himself.
Here’s a verse you ought to have framed and hung in the walls of your mind:
NIV 2 Sam 14:14 Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.
Wow! That verse erupts with vivid imagery of a God extending Himself to restore broken relationships. It’s time to renew your hope and refurbish your faith . . . it’s time to Return to Sender!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
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Beautifully well-written. Keep up the great work!
Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die.
I like the way the comma is placed before and after the phrase that was injected into the sentence here. which cannot be recovered. take that phrase out and you have.
Like water spilled on the ground so we must die.
die the absence of life, no longer alive one would think this is what this means. I would like to endeavor to bring about a new angle on this word die in this verse.
because the phrase, WHICH CANNOT BE RECOVERED, is in this verse it changes the meaning of the word die . not to mean absence of life but an absence of emotion, passion, or desire, or one could even go as far as to say that we are to empty ourselves before GOD onto the ground to forever be changed. Once the vessel is empty it can be refilled.
I love the way the writer used the word we. That tells me that He placed himself and those He was talking with in the same situation. He also is speaking to the reader as well as himself. WE MUST DIE. SCARY to think we have to die, Look at revelation chapt. 1 in that series of scripture it states "I fell at HIS feet as dead", HM any correlation, the water was spilled on the ground he fell on the ground? But what happened did he stay down? No GOD touched HIM and said fear not I am he that liveth and was dead." WOW powerful.
I believe once we EMPTY ourselves as DEAD, GOD can place in us the antidote for fear and sin, NOT just the HOLY GHOST because plenty of pentecostals have fear and sin and speak in tongues because they haven't died or emptied themselves.
The reason i used empty is because the BATTERY DIED or has been emptied or drained. No longer full energy or elctrons flowing.
WE are like batteries for GOD!
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